Table of Contents
Student Notes for Competing Using PC^2
- One time only: copy /homes/cs390cp/pc2/pc2v9.ini to your local directory somewhere (e.g., ~/pc2).
- Change into the directory where your pc2v9.ini file is located.
- Launch pc2: /homes/cs390cp/pc2/bin/pc2team &
- Log in as teamX/teamX, where X is assigned to you by administrator.
Administrator Notes for Running Programming Competitions with PC^2
Account Setup
- Login to
- cd pc2 (assumes pc2 is a symlink to current version, pc2-9.3.1; pc2v9.ini edited to point to server at
- pc2reset [if necessary/desired]
- pc2server & (assumes pc2/bin is in path)
- Login as site1; choose contest password
- pc2admin &
- Login as administrator1
- Languages tab, Add, Auto Populate with Java and GNU C++, possibly GNU C
- Accounts tab, Generate accounts (1 judge, x teams, 1 scoreboard)
- Load account information from file (see
- File generated by web2py in progress/private with dotask
Before Weekly Class
- Create snapshot of current pc2 setup
- Exit pc2 (server and admin)
- cd ~
- cp -pr pc2-9.2.3 pc2-contest
- cd pc2-contest
- rm archive/*
- Launch server and admin, login
- Problems tab, Add (repeat for each problem)
- Problem name
- Problem Requires Input Data, Stdin, Input Data File
- Judges have Provided Answer File
- Judging Type tab: Computer judging
- Validator tab: Use PC^2 validator with option “1 - diff”
- Auto judge tab
- Select judge1, Edit
- Shift-select all problems, Enable Auto Judging, Update
In Class
- cd to pc2-contest directory
- Relaunch: pc2server and pc2admin
- Times tab (pc2admin)
- Select site1, Edit
- Set/update remaining, elapsed, and length times
- Start ALL
- bin/pc2judge &
- Login as judge1/judge1
- bin/pc2board &
- Login as scoreboard1/scoreboard1
- firefox html/summary.html
After Competition
- pc2reset
- Copy archive into main directory (~/pc2-9.2.3)
- Remove pc2-contest
running_pc2.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/23 16:17 by jtkorb