Table of Contents

Wiki (DokuWiki) Setup

Basic setup instructions for adding a wiki ( to a newly created CS wiki account.

Initial Conditions

Provided for CS research projects by request to software@cs…

Create SSH Access

For ease of administrative access to the x-wiki account, use ssh-keygen to create a public/private key. Install the public key in ~x-wiki/.ssh/authorized_keys. (Otherwise, use “sudo -u x-wiki bash”, say, to access the account after logging in to

% ssh-keygen

Save file to, e.g., ~/.ssh/id_rsa_x (and

Install Dokuwiki

Configure Dokuwiki

Sample Contents of ~/htdocs/conf/local.php

$conf['title'] = 'YOUR TITLE';
$conf['template'] = 'sidebar';
$conf['tagline'] = '';
$conf['baseurl'] = '';
$conf['dmode'] = 0770;
$conf['fmode'] = 0660;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['superuser'] = '@admin';
$conf['mailfrom'] = '';
$conf['tpl']['sidebar']['editbtntxt'] = 'edit';
$conf['allowdebug'] = 0;
$conf['userewrite'] = 1;


Changes to ~/htdocs/.access

Uncomment the rewrite rules section, specifically “RewriteEngine on” and the block of Rule and Cond statements. (Leave the RewriteBase statement commented out.)