Full Name: Type your name however you want it to appear (for example, I use “Tim Korb”, not the my complete “John Timothy Korb”). Include your maiden name if you want, but don't use parens or quotes.
I am: Choose a category like “at a company”; “none of the above” works fine, too.
Email: Your email address, probably the one you use with the arcadia70@cs.purdue.edu
Create Password: Choose a password, probably different from your email password, although it doesn't really matter. Facebook wants you to choose a strong password. An eight-character combination of upper and lower case letters and digits will do, but you can get by with a weaker password.
Date of Birth: If you are uncomfortable revealing your exact date and/or year, then use an approximation. Facebook probably wouldn't agree to this approach, but I recommend it for those who don't like to reveal their age. The site has restrictions for those under 18 and is not available for those under 13, so they at least have to ask. Note that within Facebook you can block others from seeing this information. More on privacy below.
Security Check: Type the funny looking text in the box to prove you're a human and not a computer. This captcha is designed to prevent people from writing programs that automatically create thousands of accounts, e.g., for spamming. Computer programs, as powerful as they are, are not able to recognize the words in the box nearly as well as a human being.