DRAFT Notes for a Workshop on Android Programming

Watch for this free, online workshop, starting February 9, 2010: http://android.eventbrite.com


- Overview

  1. Course approach (bottom up)
  2. Android stack
  3. Linux
  4. Native libraries (including Dalvik VM)
  5. Runtime (surface manager, OpenGL, SQLite, webkit browser)
  6. Android framework
  7. Applications

- Getting Started

  1. Download and install Java; add it to your path.
  2. Download and install Android SDK.

- The Command-Line Tools

  1. adb
  2. android
  3. aapt (Android resource compiler), now (?) apkbuilder
  4. ddms

- Android Scripting Environment (ASE)

  1. Barcode Scanner
  2. TTS Service Extended (set language engine) [vs. Google Talk Service?]

- Concepts

  1. Activity
  2. Intent
  3. Model-View-Controller
  4. View (resource)
  5. XML format

- Tips and Tricks

  1. adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.enableassertions all