These are instructions for setting up Adobe Connect to use for AV broadcast of a presentation to a remote viewing room. Specific definitions…
LWSN 1142: Main room where presenter is located
LWSN 3102: Remote viewing room with AV projection
This setup uses three computers:
LWSN 1142 workstation: Main login happens here. Becomes meeting “Host”.
LWSN 1142 laptop in back of room: Video camera and wireless mic plug into laptop. Laptop joins meeting as “Guest” with presenter's name.
LWSN 3102 workstation: AV from this computer is projected to the remote audience present. Join meeting as “Guest” with, e.g., “LWSN 3102” as name.
Issues to be Addressed (5/4/09)
Adjust wireless mic gain to avoid distortion problems (e.g., for loud presenter). Having the presenter wear a room mic could actually help this problem by permitting the presenter to speak in a normal voice rather than projecting for the entire room.
Visible mouse cursor on presenter station–make it disappear?
Possible to suppress chat popups on presenter station?
Need to include mic(s) for audience questions.
Mute mic before presenter begins.
Permit remote questions (need to block chat popups or use alternative channel)?
Are there more lights than necessary in the audio rack?
Turn off the screen saver on the presenter station.
Advance Setup
Schedule the meeting by logging in to Only non-default setting is “Access: Anyone who has the URL can enter the meeting room”. (This setting is not strictly required for the process below, it just makes it easier for someone to watch the presentation from their offices.)
Set any necessary permissions to allow others to host the meeting (default is meeting creator). Permission required at time of meeting.
Make a note of the MEETING_NAME (“r[0-9]+” or custom name you assign) for configuring the laptop and secondary room connections.
Enter the meeting room and set the appropriate “experience” parameters. Examples include: 1024×768 display, LAN network.
At Laptop and Video Camera in Rear of Main Room
Configure Sony HDR-1 video camera for DV output and 4×3 format. Plug 4-pin firewire cable into laptop.
Plug microphone receiver into “line in” on laptop. (We cannot use audio over firewire from the camera, it is broken under Windows.)
Login to laptop (use Connect account).
Launch IE and visit Login (for best results, use an account that is a meeting “Host”). Adobe Connect Pro application should launch.
Override logged in name in the Attendee List with the speaker's name. (This name is what will show on the video window.)
Configure video: Meeting/Manage My Settings/Select Camera…
Select Start camera (in lower left corner of video pod). Check that audio is also transmitting.
Confirm “Full Screen” options in lower right corner of presentation window: “Presenter's changes affect everybody” OFF, “Enable Full Screen toggle for participants” ON.
Confirm Meeting/Room Performane & Appearance Settings (mainly set Room Screen Resolution to 1024×768).
Close chat window if no longer needed (it will display at secondary viewing room).
At Workstation in Front of Main Room
Login to presentation workstation.
Launch IE and visit Login (use an account with at least “Presenter” permissions). Adobe Connect Pro application should launch.
Select Share/Documents/Select from my computer… Find and upload the speaker's PowerPoint presentation file. It's a good idea to have this presentation physically on this computer (rather than loaded in advance and not available here). Permits last minute changes and reloads.
Ensure the presentation is visible (use Pods/Share… menu if necessary).
Select Full screen button (lower right of Share pod). Verify that arrow keys and/or wireless controller advance the presentation. (Connect bug/glitch: Apparently the wireless remote advances to the next slide not the next build. Use arrow keys instead.)
At Workstation in Remote Viewing Room
Login to workstation (use Presentation account).
Launch IE and visit Login as Guest, using descriptive name (e.g., “LWSN 3102”). Adobe Connect Pro application should launch.
Maximize Adobe Connect Pro application (either F11 or Meeting/Manage My Settings/Full Screen). Adjust volume.