====== Muse Brain-Sensing Headband with the Processing Language ====== This page describes how to use Processing to access data generated by the Muse headband. - Download and install [[https://processing.org/download/|Processing 3]]. - In Processing, go to ''Tools > Add Tool > Libraries''. Search for and install both ''oscP5'' and ''ControlP5''. - Download the [[https://www.kasperkamperman.com/blog/processing-code/osc-datamonitor/|OSC Data Monitor]]. This website has useful videos and explanations about OSC and the monitor tool. - Unzip the downloaded archive and move the ''OSC_Data_Monitor'' folder from the ''Processing Source'' folder into your Processing sketchbook folder (typically, ''Documents/Processing''). - Back in Processing, open ''OSC_Data_Monitor/OSC_Data_Monitor''. Press Play. - You might get a few errors, but watch for the GUI window to pop up. Note the IP address given in the upper left corner, e.g., ''''. - Turn on and wear your Muse headband. - Launch the Muse Direct app (you'll need to be in either the free trial period or have paid for the subscription). - In the Muse Direct app, select and connect to your headband. The graphs should pop up. - Go to the hamburger menu (in the upper left corner) and select "Streaming". - Change the OSC Prefix to something that starts with a "/", e.g., "/petronio". - Set the IP address to the IP address of your laptop you noted earlier. - Change the Port to 8000. - Click to Enable OSC Streaming. - Return to the OSC Data Monitor app in Processing. You should see data streaming in. You can use the filters to control what you see.