====== Problems for the Week ====== - {{::11849_cd.pdf|11849 CD}} (efficient data structure important; also use BufferedReader in Java) - {{::10954_add_all.pdf|10954 Add All}} (dequeue the two smallest addends) - {{::11995_i_can_guess_the_data_structure.pdf|11995 I Can Guess the Data Structure!}} (good practice simulating three common data structures: stack, queue, and priority queue) - {{::00514_rails.pdf|00514 Rails}} - {{::11503_virtual_friends.pdf|11503 Virtual Friends}} - {{::11926_multitasking.pdf|11926 Multitasking}} (Halim says use a Fenwick Tree) - {{::11235_frequent_values.pdf|11235 Frequent Values}} (use Segment Tree with careful mapping to compute Range Maximum Query, good luck) - {{::11402_ahoy_pirates.pdf|11402 Ahoy, Pirates!}} (modify Segment Tree to support updates, double good luck) Contest page: [[http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/jtk/vc03.html|here]].