====== Contest for September 10, 2010 ====== Solutions, hints, and full test data exist online for these problems. So, don't look for them! Note: Each program should read from standard in and write to standard out. The contest server is on pc2.cs.purdue.edu now. From a departmental UNIX machine, use this command to get started... % (cd /homes/jtk/pc2; bin/pc2team) & Pick a team number (team1, team2, etc.) and login with the corresponding password. Suggestion: Read through all problems quickly, pick the easiest ones to solve first. ===== Problems ===== ^Problem^Description^ | A | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/up/up.html|Up and Down]] | | B | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/gnome/gnome.html|Gnome Sequencing]] | | C | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/dull/dull.html|DuLL]] | | D | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/vienna/vienna.html|Black Vienna]] | | E | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/dup/dup.html|Duplicate Removal]] | | F | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/rps/rps.html|Rock, Paper, Scissors]] | | G | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/numeral/numeral.html|A to Z Numerals]] | | H | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/cell/cell.html|Cell Towers]] | | I | [[http://mcpc.cigas.net/archives/2009/mcpc2009/ripoff/ripoff.html|RIPOFF]] | Source: ACM Mid-Central Region of the ICPC.