====== Purdue Community Sites for Android Programming Workshop ====== * Google Group: [[http://groups.google.com/group/purdue-android-programming]] * Google Code: [[http://code.google.com/p/purdue-android-programming/]] ====== Android Programming Workshop — Purdue Local Arrangements ====== Interested in Java programming on the Android phone? O'Reilly is sponsoring an online tutorial workshop: * [[http://training.oreilly.com/androidapps-java/|Developing Android Applications with Java]] \\ * Instructor: Tony Hillerson * Tuesdays at 2:00 EST, February 9-March 16, 2010 I am arranging a "local viewing party" to watch the sessions live and offer help, answer questions, and provide additional material as necessary. I will have a limited number of Android G1 phones to try out (you can also use the emulator). Local (Purdue) viewing: * LWSN B158 If you are interested in participating, register at the site above and let [[mailto:jtk@purdue.edu|me]] know (so I can make sure we have enough room). If you miss the first session, that's probably OK--we can catch you up. Tim Korb ====== Preparing for the Workshop ====== If you do not have an account on the CS machines, send me [[mailto:jtk@purdue.edu|email]]. If you have a laptop, you may want to use it rather than one of the lab machines. You'll need the Java SDK, the Android SDK, Eclipse, and the Android Development Tools (ADT). * http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ (get eclipse-java-galileo-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz) * http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html If you can come early for at least the first day (today), it will help getting started. I'll plan to be in the lab at 1:30. ====== First Command Line Application ====== % cd to a directory of your choice % android create project --target 2 --path ./FirstApp --activity FirstApp --package apt.tutorial % cd FirstApp % android & ...create an Android AVD... % ant install